Save our planet. Expieriency the beauty of nature. World is beautiful. Grow more & more(unlimited) trees. As our mother nature gives everything to us.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Colours Of Life (NATURE)

World is beautiful,colourfull & Full of happiness
The beauty comes from the enchanting colours of the flowers like Daffodils, Sunflowers, shoeflowers and thousands of varieties of flowers which boost the confidence of the nature.

Several varieties of the bushes,shrubbs ,plants,animals and colourful display of the butterflies make it to reach the aroma(an odor arising from spices, plants, cooking, etc., esp. an agreeable odor; fragrance.) of this beauty to the maximum......

When we see the leaves budding on a tree or when a timid flower pushes through the frozen ground, or when we smell the freshness of spring, new hope will always come to us. Nature is truly an intrinsic part of our lives.

(Wallpaper 7)

It seems so hard to understand,
As I look across the land,
That all I view belongs to me,
I ought to take more time to see.

The distant hills and mountains high,
The rolling clouds and bright blue sky,
No one can take these views from me,
As long as I have eyes to see.
Beauty in nature has long been a common theme in life and in art, and books emphasizing beauty in nature fill large sections of libraries and bookstores. That nature has been depicted and celebrated by so much art, photography, poetry and other literature shows the strength with which many people associate nature and beauty.

Why this association exists, and what the association consists of, is studied by the branch of philosophy called aesthetics. Beyond certain basic characteristics that many philosophers agree about to explain what is seen as beautiful, the opinions are virtually endless.....

Nature is so miraculous because it is always changing.
Remember that if we take the time to enjoy nature more, then we are taking the time out to really live more!

Nature is full of green pastures, But no one bothers about nature, They care only about their own future.

Don't become a sinner, By destroying nature for self-pleasure, Remember! Nature is bigger But man's life and pleasure is shorter.

So let's all love nature, And preserve it for the future.

Preserve Nature

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